2021 ESG Fact Sheet Social Unlocking the potential of teams We work hard to be the change we want to see in the workplace. “This strategy makes us a better company and contributes to the type of culture we want to work in: inclusive, dynamic, and engaging.” –Asana co-founder and CEO Dustin Moskovitz 1 Building diverse teams US employee demographics Native American, We believe the best teams are diverse in identity,  Alaskan, background, and perspectives. In 2015, we created Indigenous 1% Pacific Islander 1% a dedicated diversity, inclusion, and belonging  Middle Eastern 3% (DIB) function. Our DIB programs support every  Prefer not to employee at Asana to thrive, enabling us to better  answer 4% serve the needs of our diverse customer base. Black or African There is a lot of work to do, and we are committed American 5% Hispanic or Latinx 8% to transparently reporting, and being accountable  Asian 38% for, our progress.  Caucasian 44%  Our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging extends from our newest employees to our top leadership. Global gender ratio2 % Managers 41  All Asana 42%  Female % 50 49% Male 1% 1% 3 TGNC 8% 8%

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